Trail info - (Last update: 13-11-2023- by Bert Kelchtermns)

Stay on the trail
First kilometer
Start and Finish

Our trail system is probably one of the best you can find in the European off-snow circuit. On active military terrain of 2186 hectares, we are able to set up multiple trails without any compromise. No short turns. No houses or public roads. No little nasty poles to dive away for. A clear overview of what lies ahead. A mix of sandy ground and forest roads. Not one inch of asfalt ... Sounds great, doesn't it?

The "Pampa Range", as the military site is usually called, has a long tradition as a firing range for fighter jets. Entering some parts of the range is strictly forbidden, due to debris and possibly unexploded (practice) munition lying about. Since it is not open to the public, nature has been able to stay unchanged during the last decades.

So, what can we offer you? Check out our Sprint and Tour trails below!

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Click to view in full screen.

The Sprint trails:

3 km sprint trail red route,
7 km sprint trail Yellow route

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Click to view in full screen.

The Tour Trails:

For the 17 km trail follow the red route,
for the 19 km trail, follow the orange route,
for the 21,5 km trail follow the Yellow route,

for those who do not follow the 17km route;
you can do extra loops for extra kilometers
which you can decide on the fly:-)
The L1 loop is 4,3Km extra, the L2 loop adds 7Km extra.


  1. There are trailposts (TP) on the intersections of the different classes. Here's your BIB number checked to make sure you follow the correct trail.
  2. The Tour Class is not a race class, there will be no ranking or timing. There will be no difference between purebreds & open teams.
  3. There is a small checkpoint (CP) on the Tour trail just before the 17km intersection.
  4. During the Training Camp we will provide Sprint trails and Tour trails.
  5. NOTE!: When you are on the trail have to follow the instructions from the Trail Team at all time during the Pampa events.
  6. Trails can be adapted by the Trail Team in accordance with terrain conditions & meteo. If so this will be explained during the Mushermeeting.

The trail is marked with

- RED MARKERS (Turn markers) *preferably of round shape

Red Markers shall be used at all intersections and crossings involving turns.
The markers shall be placed about 20 meters ahead of the point in question at the same side of the trail as to which the teams shall turn.

- BLUE MARKERS (Straight ahead or Confirmation markers, *preferably of square shape

Blue markers are used to indicate the correct trail after a crossing or turn. The sign is placed about 20 meters ahead of the intersection.
Blue markers may be placed on either side of the trail.
Blue markers used to indicate the correct trail after a crossing or turn shall be placed about 20 m beyond, and should be visible when approaching, the point in question.

- YELLOW MARKERS (Caution!).

Yellow markers may be placed on either side of the trail. Yellow markers indicate portions of the trail, where slow, cautious passage is recommended, e.g. deep water, really sharp turns, icy spots, road crossings, etc...
Yellow markers are placed about 20 meters ahead of the caution area.

Further more...

The end of the Starting Chute shall be indicated by markers on both sides of the trail.
A marker is placed at the start of the "Finish chute" to indicate the beginning of the no-right-of-way zone, showing the distance to finish line, e.g. 800m.

If you have any more questions consult our FAQ pages and please feel free to contact us through the Contact page.

The Pampa Crew